Almost two years ago, at the age of 38, I developed dementia along with my Parkinson’s. I had been experiencing symptoms of memory losses and blackouts along with some confusion and speech problems. After a visit with my neurologist I started a medication for Alzheimer’s more specifically
Today my dementia is progressing. Lately I seem to be experiencing what’s known as sundowning.
Sundowning refers to a state of confusion at the end of the day into the night. Sundowning can cause a variety of behaviors, such as confusion, anxiety, aggression, wandering, agitation, and restlessness. Lately my anxiety level has been through the roof, especially in the evening.
How does all this affect my day to day life? Paying bills, doing housework, cooking dinner, watching TV, etc? Well I don’t work. My memory and concentration is too bad. I’m unable to multitask and get confused easily. Not to mention the Parkinson’s. So I take care of the house, which is not that complicated for me so far. I’m no longer capable of doing the bills. I used to love to read but now it’s like reading a different language. I can read the words but not grasp what they are saying. As far as something as simple as watching TV, it’s become an activity of picture watching. My brain just can’t focus.
Nor do I drive anymore. I haven’t driven in 4 years. Mainly due to the Stage 2 Parkinson’s but also in combination to the early symptoms of dementia. Remembering directions is impossible for me. Even in the town I grew up and used to have the streets memorized. Now I get disoriented and turned around.
But how am I doing emotionally with this? I’m a bit angry and a little scared. No two people with dementia are alike. Each will progress at their own pace. I may never progress beyond a mild stage. I may progress well beyond that. I’m angry because of all the trials and battles I’ve faced and won in my life I could possibly be beat by my own mind.
I’m scared because I could possibly be at the mercy of my damaged brain at some time down the future. I’m scared for my wife and the for burden it will put upon her, as well as my children. It has already caused strain with a couple of my children. In these instances I don’t know what to do.
But I can’t sit back and let this beat me and get me down. To do so would let it win before the fight has already started. I have already begun to see some things different and I have the dementia to thank for it.
For one, I don’t really get mad or angry. At the most I can get aggravated. But I’ve come to realize that with anger being a secondary emotion it’s a wasted emotion that only results in unproductive actions. For example, I don’t hold grudges or bitterness. I’ve reached a point to where I don’t want to spend what lucid time I might have left holding on to negative emotions. I refuse to walk in this world this way. So I’ve learned by Christ’s example of grace and mercy and of forgiveness. Besides, I’ve come to see what is and isn’t important in life. You’d be surprised of all that isn’t important in our lives.
Writing this was hard. Both just getting it off my chest and getting my thoughts into words. It literally took me at least almost four hours. Writing is not what it used to be for me and that makes me sad. But I’m going to do my best to keep this. To document my days with dementia. If at the most it should help stimulate my brain somehow.
Thank you so much for sharing!
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